We fight
climate Change

by accelerating climate change solutions

Why we exist

It is no secret that climate change is here. We are already seeing the effects of what decades of inaction leads to, from record heat waves to flooding to devastating forrest fires.

It's not too late to act but we only have a handful of years to reduce emissions and turn the tide. There is no more waiting, only action. That is why Flinq is on a mission to help accelerate solutions, companies, and products that address climate change in big and small ways.

Our goal is to make it easy for consumers to choose the products and habits that make a difference, and make it faster and easier for companies to bring solutions to market. It's not easy to change habits, infrastructure, and compete against companies that control the existing market. That's why we support those who dare to lead in the transition to a greener economy.

Our take on the climate fight

Don't wait for the laggards

The climate requires action today. Contrary to what many people think, we have the solutions we need at our disposal and readily available, they just need to be adopted widely. Yes, we need to invest in green innovation. Yes, politicians need to move faster. Yes, large corporations need to do more. Yes, billionaires need to stop flying private jets. But reality is that we don't have time to wait for the laggards to get their act together. We need. To move. Now! Leave them behind. You and I run. We don't have time to wait for everyone to catch on. It's the only way forward.

You're it

It's time to let those who want to lead, lead. And if you are reading this, that's you. You can lead by example with the choices you make or you can help spread the word so more people can join the fight. We are here to help you do just that with clear guidelines on actions to take, companies to support, and choices to make when you do have to make that inevitable purchase.

Realists, not idealists

We need the idealists to put a spotlight on what we are striving towards, but in order to get population-wide change and adoption, we can't let perfect be the enemy of the good. That's why we take a pragmatic and realistic approach to the green transition. Not everyone will be able to afford the greenest solution but if we can nudge everyone one or two steps in the right direction with the choices they make, we will make a big impact. This is all hands on deck with everyone contributing however they can.

Speed over perfection

We need to focus on speed over perfection. It will be messy. You and I won't get everything 100% right but we will learn and improve as quickly as we can. There will be moments of what looks like hypocrisy or contradictions along the way, that's to be expected. Most choices have upsides and downsides and few things are 100% good, but overall we need to move in the right direction as fast as possible. We don't have time to let perfect be the enemy of good.

Support those willing to lead

We need to make it easier to do the right thing, not harder. Let's focus on the positive and support companies fighting the good fight. Help them with positive reinforcement and kindly help them improve where we see opportunities to get better. We need to build them up and accelerate them so they can create the necessary competitive pressure that forces the rest of the market to follow. Capitalism is not going away, and while it's the system got us into this situation, it is also an incredible powerful force that can get us out of it again. Let's use it to our advantage.

Who is behind Flinq?

Flinq was founded by Anders Maul in 2024. After years of anxiety about climate change and contemplation about how to make a dent in the problem, Anders realized that his background helping startups accelerate and grow quickly was the best way to join the fight. Flinq is entirely self-funded and aims to scale quickly while staying independent. The goal is to accelerate the transition to a green economy and sustainable lifestyle by providing planet-friendly alternatives to existing products, habits, and approaches. We rely on our community to be successful, so in a way we are all behind Flinq.